
(伝道者の書 3:1,6)

今週の聖書個所: ピリピ 3:12-16 / 伝道者の書 3:1-11.


“For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under Heaven…a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away…”(Ecclesiastes 3:1,6)

This week’s reading: Philippians 3:12-16 / Ecclesiastes 3:1-11.

When was the last time you set about ridding your house or apartment of the debris that gathers through time? I’m not talking about the dust that gathers daily but the stuff of time that builds up in life. Things that you have trouble throwing out although you haven’t touched or worn or used them in years. Stuff that were important back then but have little significance now. The things that continue to have a powerful pull upon you for some reason or another although they may no longer be relevant in your life. “Someday” comes to mind but that someday never seems to arrive. It is the story of the blue jeans that are now two sizes too small! King Solomon once said, “There is a season for all things under Heaven.”
This is true in our walk with Christ when “someday” stops us from living today for Christ. The Lord is calling you into a new adventure but you are still living through the glory days or the pain of the past. Your life is cluttered with the (good and bad) experiences of the past so you fail to heed the calling of Jesus or postpone it indefinitely to someday in the future.
A season for all things is worth contemplating in your life in Christ! The Lord may be calling upon you to bring something to an end and into something of change for a new season in your life! God has always been remarkably creative with seasons!

2015年5月16日 メッセージ



今週の聖書個所;ルカの福音書 18:18-30 / ヤコブ の手紙1:22-25, 2:14-18

イエスはこれを聞いて、その人に言われた。「あなたには、まだ一つだけ欠けたものがあります。あなたの持ち物を全部売り払い、貧しい人々に分けてやりなさい。そうすれば、あなたは天に宝を積むことになります。そのうえで、わたしについて来なさい。」 すると彼は、これを聞いて、非常に悲しんだ。たいへんな金持ちだったからである。
 (ルカ 18:22,23)


This week’s reading: Luke 18:18-30 / James 1:22-25, 2:14-18.

When Jesus heard his answer, He said, “There is still one thing you haven’t done. Sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in Heaven. Then come and follow me.”But when the man heard this he became sad, for he was very rich. (Luke 18:22,23)

This week’s passage in the Gospel of Luke, is about a rich religious leader who is obviously talented in many ways. He has gained a leadership role in the religious establishment, has the skills and ability to produce much wealth, and was also meticulously detailed in the following of the Law. In other words, you would call him successful.
But when Jesus challenged him to let go of all that he possessed to move into a life of significance it proved too big a shift. His possessions proved to have a possession over him greater than the desire for eternal life and a life bigger than his own. A life of significance will involve resisting the pull of the immediate and allow God’s abundance in your life to overflow into the lives of others – and it’s not just about your wealth! Your experiences, skills, wisdom, time and listening ear are all valuable in the service of God!  

2015年5月9日 メッセージ


2015年5月2日 メッセージ



だから、神の国とその義とをまず第一に求めなさい。そうすれば、それに加えて、これらのものはすべて与えられます。 だから、あすのための心配は無用です。あすのことはあすが心配します。労苦はその日その日に、十分あります。(マタイ6:33、34) 

今週の聖書個所:詩編 57:1-11/ マタイ 6:33,34. 

今週の聖書個所では、ダビデがサウル王から逃れて洞窟にいたころ書いた詩篇について学びました。突然襲ってきた恐れと死のただ中でダビデはその脅威が過ぎ去るまで神様の下に避難する事を選びました。そして、神様に対してゆるがない心をもっていと高き主をほめたたえ、あがめさえしたのです!こういう事は、平凡な日常の中でも、突然やってくる混乱の時にも神様と個人的な時間を取っているからこそできるのです。ダビデは、未知の出来事については神様を信頼し、不快なことを受け入れ、混乱を祝う事を学んでいたのです。 人生の中で突然今までにないような変化が起きた時、あなたはいつもどんな風に反応しますか?計画通りに物事が運ばない時あなたはどのように取り組みますか?イエス様のやりかたはこうです。まず神様の御国と義を求める—すると神様の助けはこれに添えて与えられるというものです。第一に神様、その次に他のもの全てという順番です。イエス様と共に未知の出来事を受けいれるという事は意義のある人生を受け入れるという事に他なりません! 

“But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matthew 6:33,34) 

This week’s reading: Psalm 57:1-11/ Matthew 6:33,34. 

In this week’s Bible passage, we took a look at a psalm written by David about his time hiding in a cave from King Saul. In the midst of sudden fear and death, David chose to take refuge in God until the sudden threat had passed. With a heart that was steadfast in God, he even chose to praise and exalt the Lord on high! This can only come from getting in that personal time with God through the mundane as well as those sudden chaotic times that pop-up in life. David had learned to embrace the discomfort and to celebrate disorderliness - trusting God with the unknown. What’s your typical response and reaction to the sudden unknown changes in life? How do you cope when things don’t go according to plan? Jesus’ response would be to seek His Kingdom and His righteousness first and allow the provisions to follow. First Him and then everything else and in that order. To embrace the unknown with Jesus is to embrace a life of significance!

2015年4月25日 メッセージ
