


“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:41,42)
This week’s reading: Luke 10:38-42.

In this week’s passage, Luke states that it was Martha who invited Jesus and the boys to stay over at her home. She is also immediately distracted by all the preparations that she felt had to be done. Jesus described this distraction as being “worried and upset about many things,” over the decision to choose the one thing that was actually needed.
Life can be like that at times; we invite Jesus over to the house but quickly squeeze Him out of our day. We are at “home” but not “at home with Jesus,” due to distractions that push Him out of the equation. One problem or incident that escalates into many by somehow forgetting to keep God in the living room! It is no wonder we get “worried and upset about so many things.” The picture is never true, the equation is never correct, and the story is never complete without giving your un-divided attention to the One that you invited into your heart. Is it time to bring the soul back home with God?




2016年1月30日 メッセージ



今週の聖書個所:ヨハネ18:28-19:16 /マルコ 15:1-15 / マタイ 27:11-26 / ヤコブ 1:6-8 / 4:1-8 /詩篇 42:1-5.


But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind …he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does. (James 1:6,8)

This week’s reading: John 18:28-19:16 / Mark 15:1-15 / Matthew 27:11-26 / James 1:6-8 / 4:1-8 / Psalm 42:1-5.

Governor Pilate’s first encounter with Jesus is a perfect study in contrast. Jesus’ steadfast belief and commitment to the mission of the Father and Pilate’s struggle to find a way to do what he knows deep inside to be true. Pilate is a description of what James called “a double-minded person, unstable in all he does.” Unable to decide on his own and wanting desperately to put the decision upon others - through the washing of hands. 
When the soul of a Believer is not centered in God, the natural tendency is to waver from side to side and back and forth. The circumstances that come up in life are like the forceful wind and waves of a sudden storm that shake our ability to make and take Godly action. We lose the ability to know what temptations are worth resisting and what sacrifices are worth making. We constantly feel vulnerable to people and circumstances around us – the strong urge to react to all situations.
Not with Jesus. He expressed a powerful silence in the midst of a deadly storm. He was centered in God and knew that God was in control of the program. A sort of “pouring out of the soul” upon God, according to the Psalmist. Is your soul adrift or anchored in Christ? Latch on to Christ to bring clarity and stability in the middle of any storm.   







My soul yearns for you in the night; in the morning my spirit longs for you. When your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness.
(Isaiah 26:9)

This week’s reading: Luke 12:13-21 / Matthew 10:26-31.

We are all called to be good stewards of what has been given to us by the Lord. In case you a wondering, it just so happens to be all things; except not all things are materialistic in nature. Of course, there are the loved ones that God has brought into our lives that need our continued love and graceful attention in His name. But the danger in our society is the tendency to give too much attention upon the fleeting things in our lives that will never outlive the soul. For example, my highest goal was to clean my car by the end of the year instead of getting extended time to take stock of my spiritual health over the past year! 
 Jesus emphasized richness in God over other riches and this includes giving proper attention to your soul that comes from and through Christ. It is the reason He told us, “to fear the One who can destroy both body and soul” (Matthew 10:28). Soul maintenance is vital for life. Spiritual food and strength for your soul only comes through time with God. We learn our true value and worth most powerfully in the realm of the spiritual and not the material, which will some day fade away. How much do you really have to offer to the world around you if you are empty within? What has been the emphasis in your life and the source of your personal worth? It is time to start investing first where it will have the longest and biggest impact upon the world we live and the world to come!