すぐさまふたりは立って、エルサレムに戻ってみると、十一使徒とその仲間が集まって、「ほんとうに主はよみがえって、シモンにお姿を現わされた。」と言っていた。彼らも、道であったいろいろなことや、パンを裂かれたときにイエスだとわかった次第を話した。 (ルカの福音書24:33、34)



“They got up and returned at once to Jerusalem. There they found the Eleven and those with them, assembled together and saying, “It is true! The Lord has risen and appeared to Simon.”
 (Luke 24:33,34)    

 This week’s reading: Luke 24:33-49 / Matthew 15:1-20.   

We often fail to notice that attending church is a spiritual discipline in and of itself. Hope Chapel West Tokyo and all other gatherings of the Body of Christ should be seen as a doorway to spiritual transformation. As Disciples of Christ, we come together in the Name of Jesus, allowing Him to bring about transformation of the soul, which in turn touches those around us. Coming together in the Name of Christ is never just about yourself and always involves the inner life over the outer appearance.

2017年5月20日 メッセージ


2017年5月13日 メッセージ
