7月21日 セルフチェック

ヨナは彼らに言った。「私はヘブル人です。私は海と陸を造られた天の神、主を恐れています。」 (ヨナ書1:9)

今週の聖書箇所: ヨナ書 1:1-16


Jonah answered, “I am a Hebrew and I worship the Lord, the God of Heaven, who made the sea and the land.” (1:9)
This week’s reading: Jonah 1:1-16.

Jonah has run away from the calling of God. He is exhausted and in a deep sleep, after all the effort it has taken him to run in the opposite direction of God’s calling. Despite being the cause of the great storm threatening all onboard, the God of Heaven, who made the sea and the land, is still able and willing to use Jonah for His glory. Imagine that!

7月14日 セルフチェック

しかしヨナは、主の御顔を避けてタルシュシュへのがれようとし、立って、ヨッパに下った。彼は、タルシュシュ行きの船を見つけ、船賃を払ってそれに乗り、主の御顔を避けて、みなといっしょにタルシュシュへ行こうとした。(ヨナ書 1:3


ヨナは神の召しに応えることを恐れています。 ポンといくらかの現金を支払い、反対方向に向かって進むのは、あながち間違いではないように思われます。 タルシュシュの街が商業と貿易の盛んな都市であることを知っているなら、なおのことです。良い仕事と豊かな財産ほど人生に突然巻き起こる嵐を和らげてくれるものはないように思えることもあるでしょう。しかし、実際に襲いくる嵐が、それらが実は間違っていることを教えてくれます。


But Jonah ran away from the Lord and headed for Tarshish. He went down to Joppa, where he found a ship bound for that port. After paying the fare, he went aboard and sailed for Tarshish to flee from the Lord. (Jonah 1:3)

This week’s reading: Jonah 1:1-3

Jonah is afraid of taking on the calling of God. It seems safe enough to plop down some cash and to head in the other direction. It seems even safer knowing that the city of Tarshish is a booming city of commerce and trade. Nothing would seem safer than a good job and wealth as a buffer against the sudden storms in life. The coming storm would prove that wrong.

Where do you drop anchor for safety from the storms of life?

2018年7月14日 メッセージ


7月7日 セルフチェック

 (ヨナ書 1:1-3)

あなたは、主からの召しを心を傾けて注意深く聞いているでしょうか?もしくは、 次に乗船可能な、反対方向に向かう船の汽笛に耳を傾けているのでしょうか。“タルシュシュ”に向かうことは、主の御心から遠ざかることです。

The Word of the Lord came to Jonah, son of Amiitai: “Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me. But Jonah ran away from the Lord and headed for Tarshish.” (Jonah 1:1-3) 

There are times when God may be calling upon us for help in ways and in places that may not be necessarily all fun and games. Do you heed the call of the Lord or the whistle of the next available ship in the opposite direction? To head for “Tarshish” is to sail away from the will of God.

6月30日 セルフチェック



The apostle Paul writes, “Speaking truth in love, we will in all things grow up into Him who is the Head, that is, Christ. (Ephesians 4:15)

This week’s reading: Luke 10:38-42.

In this week’s passage, Martha is in the comfort of her own home but being pushed into an uncomfortable place of her own making. She had become distracted, worried and upset about many things. Martha forgot about what was most needed, which was not attention to detail but attention upon Jesus. Don’t you hate it when you do that? It’s nice to have someone who can speak truth in love to you. Who might that be in your life?  

2018年6月30日 メッセージ


6月23日 セルフチェック

そこでイエスは、その信じたユダヤ人たちに言われた。「もしあなたがたが、わたしのことばにとどまるなら、あなたがたはほんとうにわたしの弟子です。そして、あなたがたは真理を知り、真理はあなたがたを自由にします。」 (ヨハネの福音書8:31,32)

今週の聖書箇所: ローマ人への手紙 12:1-8


Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:31,32)

This week’s reading: Romans 12:1-8.

We told are told to view ourselves in a sober light. It can be painful to see and even hear at times but God does reveal these things to us for our own good. Jesus says that the truth will set you free but it will normally be painful first! Walking through open doors will reveal things about yourself that may not want to see or hear at first. Setting you free is His purpose.