3月3日 セルフチェック

“神のみこころに添った悲しみは、悔いのない、救いに至る悔い改めを生じさせますが、世の悲しみは死をもたらします。”(コリント人への手紙 第二 7:10

“Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.” (2 Corinthians 7:10)

Feeling bad for wrong personal actions can weigh heavy upon one’s heart and soul to the point of illness when nothing is done about it. Paul writes of a different kind of sorrow. A “Godly sorrow” that brings about a true repentance that leads to forgiveness and freedom. It does not drain you of energy but instead infuses you with power and hope for lasting positive change. 

3月3日 メッセージ


2月24日 セルフチェック

あなたがたは、悟りのない馬や騾馬のようであってはならない。それらは、くつわや手綱の馬具で押さえなければ、あなたに近づかない。 (詩編329




Do not be like the horse or the mule, which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you. (Psalm 32:9)

The Psalmist reminds us through way of four-footed animals that there are always choices to be made in life. One is an appeal to reason and commonsense and still having the freedom to choose. The other form – the bit and bridle - involves force and pain to encourage action. Inaction, indecisiveness and pleading ignorance are all forms of choice.

Let’s not wait for the pressure and pain in life to force us to make choices that wisdom and common sense calls for us to make now!