2018年6月23日 メッセージ


6月16日 セルフチェック

“ いいですか。わたしが、あなたがたを遣わすのは、狼の中に羊を送り出すようなものです。ですから、蛇のようにさとく、鳩のようにすなおでありなさい。”
(マタイの福音書 10:16)

今週の聖書箇所: ルカの福音書 10:25-37


“ I am sending you out like sheep among the wolves. Therefore, be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. (Matthew 10:16)

This week’s reading: Luke 10:25-37.
It doesn’t take much for a sheep of Christ to forget it’s a sheep. As sheep in Christ; we have been called to take the Good News of Jesus Christ into a world seemingly filled with wolves! I don’t know about you but it’s sure easy for me to start acting like one myself when surrounded by them! I feel like biting back. Yet Jesus tells us to be as innocent as doves. Doves are known for their peacefulness not their bite. A reminder to be a person of peace.

6月9日 セルフチェック

彼は言った。「私は、預言者イザヤが言ったように『主の道をまっすぐにせよ』と荒野で叫んでいる者の声です。」(ヨハネの福音書 1:23)

今週の聖書箇所: ヨハネの福音書 1:6-9, 15-34





John replied in the words of Isaiah, “I am the voice of one calling in the desert, ‘Make straight the way for the Lord.’ “ (John 1:23)

This week’ reading: John 1:6-9, 15-34.

The one thing that stands out with John the Baptist is his clarity of purpose and identity. He clearly knows who sent him, who he is, and his area of impact. In stark contrast; I remember being naïve, clueless and full of good Godly intentions. Not very sure of who sent me, who I was, and where I was going! Result: very little impact. Hopefully, over the years, it has changed a little!

 We would be wise to take the time to better understand our selves (personality, talents, habits, strengths, and weaknesses) and our surroundings (where God has placed us) if we want to have an impact for Jesus in this world.

6月2日 セルフチェック

(ヨハネの福音書 17:18)

今週の聖書箇所: ヨハネの福音書 17:14-18 / ヨハネの福音書 20:21 / マタイの福音書 10:1-16.


“As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. (John 17:18)

This week’s reading: John 17:14-18 / John 20:21 / Matthew 10:1-16.

In this week’s passage, Jesus prays for His disciples as He does for every one of us today. He speaks of not being a part of the world, just as we are not a part of the world. He never speaks of us retreating from the world but speaks of us being sent into the world. We have been called to be “set apart” for His good work in the living rooms, offices, classrooms, neighborhoods, and even church services of the world. Notice in today’s passage, Jesus reminds us not to take much but to rely on Him to provide. He feels that you have all that it takes to get through your day with Him by your side. Thank God!

2018年6月2日 メッセージ


5月26日 セルフチェック

“勤勉で怠らず、霊に燃え、主に仕えなさい。” (ローマ人への手紙 12:11)

今週の聖書箇所: 歴代誌第二25:1-2/サムエル記第二6:1-22


“Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor serving the Lord.” (Romans 12:11)

This week’s reading: 2 Chronicles 25:1,2 / 2 Samuel 6:1-22.

“Zeal” is all about energy and great power. I am to monitor it and guard it in my life in regards to work and life commitments. Am I honest about my “zeal” level these days when it comes to work or marriage or ministry? If my “zeal” level is going down, do I take steps of rest or renewal or play or honest discussion to revive it? God is always looking for wholehearted people to live out His life before Him. Leaping and dancing in joy and celebration when possible!

2018年5月26日 メッセージ
