ホープチャペルは神様の、普通の人も普通でない人も、神の言葉を学び、交わり、パンを裂き、祈りと賛美を通して神様のために働く者となる様に人々を整えるために存在します。 エペソ4:12 ・・・それは聖徒たちを整えて奉仕の働きをさせ、キリストのからだを建て上げるためであり・・・ 使徒の働き2:42、47 ・・・そして、彼らは使徒たちの教えを堅く守り、交わりをし、パンを裂き、祈りをしていた。神を賛美し、すべての民に好意を持たれた。主も毎日救われる人々を仲間に加えてくださった。 第2テモテ3:16、17 聖書はすべて、神の霊感によるもので、教えと戒めと矯正と義の訓練のために有益です。それは、神の人が、すべての良い働きのためにふさわしい十分に整えられた者となるためです。
Love must be
sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. (Romans 12:9)
This week’s
reading: Roman 12:9-11 / Luke 19:1-10.
As a good Christian, you are always
striving to love the Lord and to love others. In your attempts to be faithful
to God, you strive to hate evil by willfully turning away from sinful actions
and habits. But in the absence of the unhealthy things you reject, what do find
yourself clinging to? Step back and take a good look.
Paul reminds us that as we learn to love, and to walk in
holiness; we also need to grab on to something because the soul is in need of
something to worship. It doesn’t need more money, work, hobbies, entertainment or
distractions. It’s not selfish or greedy either. It’s just that God created you
to be needy for a reason and that reason is to cling to His Son for all of your
deepest needs. Start Clinging!
“I tell you the truth, you will weep and
mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will suddenly
turn to wonderful joy.” (John 16:20)
This week’s
reading: John 16:5-22 / Luke 7:36-50.
Jesus said, “When the Spirit of truth
comes, He will guide you into all truth.” Sometimes the guidance coming from
the Spirit of God will arrive in the form of pain. I’m not talking about the
pain associated with guilt (which normally brings about no change) or the pain
of consequences for wrong actions. I’m referring to a low, deep, deadened pain
deep in the soul. An ache towards goodness because of the way you were originally
created to live. A God-given ache that marks the beginning of a change for the
better when it is finally heeded and embraced. There will be times in life when
you will be needing to “take the pain” - which leads to healing and into a joy
that cannot be taken away!
愛する者たちよ。あなたがたにお勧めします。旅人であり寄留者であるあなたがたは、たましいに戦いをいどむ肉の欲を遠ざけなさい。(I ペテロ2:11)
Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and
strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your
soul. (I Peter 2:11)
In boxing, body blows to the abdomen, may
not seem very dramatic but done repeatedly, it will bring an opponent down. Sin
works in a similar fashion. The enemy would love for you to believe that some
sinful actions are small, others big, and still others somewhere in-between.
When we see ungodly actions only in terms of severity, we are seeing them in a
wrong way.
Beyond boxing, Peter described ungodly
habits as warfare against the soul. Like a drawn out war, sinful actions both
big and small and everything in between damage the soul. It’s much more than
wrong choices: it’s a form of spiritual warfare!
“Other seed fell among thorns that grew up
and choked out the tender plants so they produced no grain…Still others, like
the seed sown among thorns, hear the Word; but the worries of this life, the
deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the
Word, making it unfruitful.” (Mark 4:7, 18,19)
This week’s reading: Mark 4:7,18- 19 / Mark
It doesn’t take much imagination to
understand and to visualize Jesus’ point. Worry, the false promises of wealth
and the desire for “other things” is an everyday occurrence for most of us.
Like an unattended flower garden filled with weeds, it becomes difficult to see
the beauty and the intended purpose. A cluttered soul can no longer produce
fruit because it choked and distracted by too many “other things.” Are you able
to see the Holy Farmer’s Seeds bearing fruit in your life?
同じように、岩地に蒔かれるとは、こういう人たちのことです。みことばを聞くと、すぐに喜んで受けるが、根を張らないで、ただしばらく続くだけです。それで、みことばのために困難や迫害が起こると、すぐにつまずいてしまいます。” (マルコの福音書 4:16,17)
マルコの福音書 4:5-6,16-17 / マタイの福音書 7:24-17 / 詩篇 42:1-6.
“Others, like the seed sown on rocky
places, hear the Word, and at once receive it with joy. But since they have no
root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of
the Word they quickly fall away.” (Mark 4:16,17)
This week’s
reading: Mark 4:5-6,16-17 / Matthew 7:24-17 / Psalm 42:1-6.
Simply reflect. Would the shallowness of
the soil describe the condition of your soul at the moment?
Jesus replied, “If you only knew the gift
God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give
you living water.” (John 4:10)
This week’s reading: John 4:1-24 / Psalm
As Believers in Christ, we would do well to
take heed to Jesus’ Words spoken to the Samaritan woman at the well. We try our
best to follow in His ways but in life, “things happen.” There are times when
we fall, or stray away, or become complacent in our faith and actions. Instead
of trusting the Lord and walking by faith, we walk by habit. We live one way on
Monday to Friday and another on the weekends at church. We begin to pretend in
front of others and eventually pretend with God. No longer living in spirit and
truth but in a Christian costume. A hole appears in your spiritual life and it
hurts the soul. Peter described it as sinful desires (being allowed to win)
that wage war against your soul.
Restoring the health of your soul begins with
remembering once again it’s the “Big Man Jesus” that you’re hanging with, who
knows you all too well, and still freely offers you living water for all
occasions! Confession cleans and revitalizes the soul – come and drink!
Take delight in the Lord, and He will give
you your heart’s desires…Be still in the presence of the Lord and wait
patiently for Him to act. (Psalm 37:4,7)
This week’s reading: Psalm 37:1-7.
King David was surrounded by wicked and
evil people who seemed to be prospering in life. Through wisdom gained from the
Lord, David knew it was not to his benefit to focus on the things around him
that would soon come to past.
Instead, David was to trust in, take
delight in, commit all in Him and finally choose to be still in His presence.
These were all internal actions of faith to be lived out daily and to nourish the
soul within. We have all heard about trust and commitment to Jesus but what
about delight and stillness in His presence? Who has the time?
Like the delight of seeing a huge chocolate–fudge sundae or
your favorite dish placed on the table before you – there is a moment of joy
and silence to just soak it all in! Take the time to stop and delight in His
goodness and be still to soak in His presence - for more than a few seconds! It
will bring healing to the soul and a willingness to trust and commit all things
to Him.
“For His Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm we are God’s
children.” (Romans 8:16)
This week’s reading: Romans 8:1-16.
When you accepted Jesus into your heart,
you received His Spirit that has joined with your own spirit to declare that
you are a child of God. The Holy Spirit of God now dwells in you but you still
need to surrender to the leading of the His Spirit in your life everyday. To
love the Lord your God with all your soul is to acknowledge and to accept that
it all begins at the core of your being – and not with the externals. The
external life is but an outgrowth of what is happening within. Jesus stated
that there is nothing more important than your soul (Matt.16:26). Is it is time
to take notice and better care of the condition of your soul?
Oh, that you would choose life, so that you
and your descendants might live! You can make this choice by loving the Lord
your God, obeying Him, and committing yourself firmly to Him. This is the key
to your life. (Deuteronomy 30:19,20)
This week’s reading: Deuteronomy 30:11-20.
Moses’ message to the nation of Israel
applies to you today. Saved or un-saved, you are still being called to make a
choice each and every day. To choose life today is to love the Lord, obey Him,
and to commit yourself firmly to Him. As stated in this week’s passage, the command
is not far away but on your lips and in your heart and therefore do-able! Do-able
in the sense that it involves a choice to be made without delay. Not tomorrow
but today! How many times have you felt the nudging of the Holy Spirit, spoken
to yourself about doing something about it and then not followed through? Is
there something that you heard yesterday that you can commit to getting done
today? It is never too late to start with God!
夫婦のためのセルフチェック/Reflections for couples
Search me, O Lord, and know my heart, test
me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and
lead me along the path of everlasting life. (Psalm 139:23,24)
The Psalmist invites the Lord to come in to
review the actions and thoughts of his life and to point out anything that
offends. Impressive! The brave and Holy act of one who truly wants to please
the Lord from the inside out. How would this passage apply to the way you live
your life at home with your spouse and/or kids?
Allow the Holy Spirit to review your life
within the home and point out any bad habits, actions or words spoken that have
brought offense to Him. We are called to live the everlasting life of God first
in the home and then at church service! Amen?
“And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord
and may please Him in every way; bearing fruit in every good work, growing in
the knowledge of God…” (Colossians 1:10)
This week’s reading: Colossians 1:9-14.
Matsuda-san’s passing was a strong reminder to live a life worthy of
the Lord with the time given to me. It involves being an interdependent player
on God’s team – His church. Not just being physically present but spiritually
present in the lives of others in the church – just as he was.
Believers are all parts of
the Body of Christ and were never created to live separated from His Body. It
has always intrigued me when people try to do so whether away or in attendance.
We are also called to allow God to be God; by accepting the things we
cannot control and allowing Jesus to be the Captain who calls the shots. We do
what is possible in faith and trust God with the impossible instead of trying
to fight it! Are there any fights that you should not be taking on by yourself
but simply passing on to Him? A life worthy of the Lord will involve knowing
the difference grace can make!
But God is so rich in mercy, and He loved
us so much, that even though we were dead because of our sins, He gave us life
when He raised Christ from the dead. For He raised us from the dead along with
Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms because we are united with
Christ.(Ephesians 2:4-6)
This week’s reading: Ephesians 2:1-10.
It is a difficult truth to accept (and
keep) that we are saved by the grace of God and His grace alone. Paul
emphasizes on this point on two occasions in this week’s passage in verses 5
and 8. You are saved by grace, it is a gift, and you can’t take credit for it.
In verse 9, he tops it off by telling us it is not a reward for the good things
you have done! And maybe, you have done many. Okay then, so now what do I do? How
do I live? To begin with: you can stop trying to earn, to prove, and to work
your way into His inner circle. Accepting His gift of grace by faith is the
ticket to a life united with Jesus. Also stop comparing yourself to other
Christians in your attempt to follow Jesus. It doesn’t matter. Let’s start
living a life of holiness based on the abundant grace received but not earned!
From His abundant grace we have all
received one blessing after another. For the Law was given through Moses, but
God’s unfailing Love and faithfulness came through Christ. No one has ever seen
God. But the One and only Son is Himself God and near to the Father’s heart. He
has revealed God to us.
(John 1:16-18)
It is incredibly easy for me to spend an
abundance of time and energy wasted on worrying and complaining about things in
my life. And please don’t get me wrong; life has been wonderful. I may not have
much in material wealth but He has always covered my every need. God has also blessed
me with a great family, great friends, and a great church family. Simply put, I
am wonderfully blessed and could not ask for more! But when I am not careful,
my old self pops up and I easily find myself focusing on the negative.
In the passage above, John states that through
the work of Jesus Christ; His unfailing love and faithfulness has been given to
all. His love and faithfulness for you never fails. Never. God has an abundance
of grace that keeps rolling out one blessing after another.
I believe today is the day to stop worrying
and to begin counting your blessings instead. I’m sure that you will be pleasantly
surprised at how many there are and how it keeps on coming - one after another!
Amazing grace.
今週の聖書個所:創世記 27-34
Though I am the least deserving of all
God’s people, He graciously gave me the privilege of telling the Gentiles about
the endless treasures available to them in Christ. I was chosen to explain to
everyone this mysterious plan that God, the Creator of all things, had kept
secret from the beginning. (Ephesians 3:8,9)
This week’s reading: Genesis 27-34.
In this week’s passage, we observe Jacob’s
natural habit of deception. He deceives others, others deceive him, and this
characteristic is even passed on to his sons as well. It left anger, hatred,
fear, death and destruction in its wake. As Pastor Ralph said in a message I
heard, “Beware of partial obedience.”
Just like Jacob, we can fall short of full
obedience, making compromises regularly to the point, where it seems almost
natural. Totally unnoticed without deeper reflection. We enjoy life and all the
blessings received at Uncle Laban’s farm, or choose to camp-out at Shechem in
the land of Canaan but don’t quite make it to Bethel as called upon by the
I know there are areas in my life where I
need stop making compromises and give Him a 100% in order to stick to the
mission given to me. How about you?
God honors full obedience, let’s not settle
for a sprinkling of blessings but stay on mission in order to receive the full
blessings and “endless treasures available to those in Christ.” Bethel, here we
今週の聖書箇所:第1コリント 13:1-13.
This week’s
reading: I Corinthians 13:1-13.
I Corinthians
Love is patient and kind. It does not envy,
it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it
is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in
evil (injustices) but rejoices in truth. It always protects (never gives up),
always trusts (never loses faith), always hopes (always hopeful), always
perseveres (endures through all circumstances)…Three things will last forever –
faith, hope, and love – and the greatest of these is love. (I Cor. 13:13)
There are two sides to love in Scripture.
Of course, we often see it in terms of God’s calling upon all Believers. True,
with the help of the Holy Spirit, we are called to a live a life of love.
Often forgotten in our reading of Scripture
is the fact that it reveals the love of God for you and me. Read the passage of
above, allow the love of God to reset the way you live and breath. Jesus came
to set us free. Are you living a life of freedom? There is no fear in love!
「君がここにいるということ 命が存在し、生きた証があるということ
力強い演劇は続く、そして、君もその一編に貢献できるということ 君の一遍はどんなものになるのだろう?」ウォルトホィットマン(詩人)
今週の聖書個所:ヨハネ 2:1-17
“You are here. That life exists. An identity. The powerful play goes on and you may
contribute a verse. What will your verse be?” Walt Whitman
This week’s reading: John 2:1-17.
Chapter 1 of John reminds us that we are
all a part of story that began before creation. Jesus was around way before His
birth in Bethlehem and a played a very active part of everything that was
created. We too have been invited to play a part in this great ongoing adventure.
What will your story be?
In chapter 2 of John, we see Jesus, the
wine maker and cowboy. He turns over 600 liters of water into wine for a
wedding already in full swing and fashions a whip out of rope to chase out the
merchants and money-changers trying to make money off worship. His disciples
speak of a passion for God that consumes Him. Do not be mistaken, the passion
and wildness of Jesus’ Spirit still speaks today, do you hear it?
今週の聖書個所;マタイ 25:14-25
“She poured perfume on my body beforehand
to prepare for my burial. Truly I tell you, wherever the Gospel is preached
throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.”
(Mark 14:8-9)
This week’s reading: Matthew 25:14-25.
The parable of the three servants is a
reminder that we have all been given gifts and talents by our Master in Heaven.
Have we been earnestly investing time and energy into building and multiplying
these gifts for the Kingdom?
When our time, energy and focus are only on
“just getting things done,” we can neglect our true calling in life. Making an
effort to do and to receive the little things in life can make a significant
difference in the life of others and in your own. In the passage above, Jesus
was truly touched by this woman and her act of love; that He made sure people
everywhere would hear of her actions.
Allow others to speak into your life today by making time to
notice the little things happening around you. Also allow yourself time to do
the little things for those around you and begin to see how it shapes your
calling in life.
今週の聖書個所:第二コリント 6:3-10 / ルカ 10:38-42.
But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha,
you are worried and upset over all these details! Yet, there is only one thing
worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken
away from her.” (Luke 10:41,42)
This week’s
reading: 2 Corinthians 6:3-10 / Luke 10:38-42.
In the life of the apostle Paul and his
staff, extremes were more the norm than the exception. There was so much of the
unknown that they dealt with daily. Living between the mostly unknown and
rarely known aspects of life would be difficult for us in modern times. We have
become so accustomed to the quick access to information and the need to know
nearly everything before moving on. But for Paul and his companions they lived and
grew through the paradoxes in life with the power of the Holy Spirit and a
steadfast trust in God. Their lives and ministry were not characterized by
extreme swings from one need or event to another. There was a balance and focus
to their lives that allowed them to weather through whatever life threw at them
without swinging wildly to the left or to the right.
Do you find yourself running around more concerned about the
details in life than concerned with the One who gave you life? To stop the wild
swings in life, the stabilizing choice is obvious! Take time this week at allow
God to show you the paradoxes pulling at you from both sides. Often times it is
not the obvious but more likely between the good (preparing dinner for Jesus)
and the better (sitting when sitting is needed). Time to bring balance to your
今週の聖書個所:ルカ10:38-42 / ルカ 10:25-29.
But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha,
you are worried and upset over all these details! Yet, there is only one thing
worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken
away from her.” (Luke 10:41,42)
This week’s reading: Luke 10:38-42 / Luke
Martha was a wonderful host with such good
intentions. She had invited Jesus and His disciples to stay over at her home
for some and R & R. She would have been seen as a model Christian in the
church known for her servant’s heart. But all the work to get the house in
order and the dinner prepared suddenly became a worry and a distraction. It
takes more than good intentions and an open home to grow in your walk with the
Lord. It’s about the choice to open up your heart to Him and Him alone,
allowing Him center stage in your life because it affects everything else. It
is an issue worth settling here and now if you want to see the details of life
become less and less of a worry and distraction.
I would often wonder what they ate that night,
if anything at all since Luke never tells us what happened next. But on the
other hand, maybe it didn’t matter to Luke as it surely didn’t matter to Jesus.
It wasn’t really about sitting or serving but about a choice made within the
heart regarding Jesus that would not be taken away from Mary. Choose Jesus and
don’t let anyone take it away!
黙っているのに時があり、話をするのに時がある。(伝道者の書 3:7)
A time to be quiet and a time to speak. (Ecclesiastes 3:7)
In being able to hear the voice of the
Lord, there needs to be times of silence. We live most of our days in the get
it done and make it happen mode. This is not always true in approaching our
Lord Jesus Christ. It takes effort and will to make time for Him but we need to
be careful not to force things to happen” in our times alone with Him! We may
be able to come to Him in silence by shutting our mouths but it is an entirely
other thing to be able to come to God with a heart and mind that is still
enough to hear His soft voice.
Take time to silence the heart and the mind
and not just the mouth when coming into His presence. It’s the gift of silence
that you were created for. It’s when the bigger picture of God begins to show
itself out of the seemingly random events in your life!
The Psalmist says, “Let all that I am wait
quietly before God, for my hope is in Him. He alone is my rock and my
salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken. My victory and honor come
from God alone. He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me.” (62:5-7)
That sounds good to me!
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