そこでふたりは話し合った。「道々お話しになっている間も、聖書を説明してくださった間も、私たちの心はうちに燃えていたではないか。」(ルカ24: 32)
今週の聖書箇所:ルカによる福音書24: 13-33
子供のころ、少年野球の練習で急な丘を駆け上ったり下りたりしたことを思い出します。コーチが「もう一回!もう一回! カッカするまで!」コーチは、大きな緑の丘を走って上り下りしているときに脚の筋肉や肺が感じる「燃える」ような感覚を言っていました。このコーチは、参加していた全ての子供たちに強さ、スタミナ、スピードを身につけさせることを狙っていたのです。そして数週間もすると、子供たち全員が目に見えて大きな違いを感じることができました。
They said to each other, “Didn’t our hearts burn within us as He talked with us on the road and explained the Scriptures to us?” (Luke 24:32)
This week’s reading: Luke 24: 13-33.
I remember running up and down a steep grass hill as a kid while playing baseball. The coach would yell, “Again, Again! Take the burn!” He was referring to that burning sensation felt in the leg muscles and the lungs after running up and down a big grassy hill so many times. Our coach was trying to build strength, stamina and speed in all of us. After a few weeks, we could all feel and see the powerful difference.
In a similar way, the demoralized and hope-depleted Cleopas also felt a burning sensation in his heart after a long walk home to Emmaus with Jesus by his side. He and another disciple had been heading for home after three days with no sign of Jesus in sight. Little did they know at the time that it was Jesus talking and even rebuking them on the long walk home.
Even after the calling them names – they wanted Jesus to stay over for dinner and a good night’s rest! The 11-kilometer walk did wonders for their faith because within the hour after seeing Him, they were back on the road returning to where they should have been (Jerusalem) with hearts on fire again.
The road to Emmaus is a familiar one to many Believers. It’s the road we take when we have lost hope in Jesus and are unable to see Him in our midst. We go back to the familiar; the things we did before the calling upon our lives.
Do you follow Jesus from afar or are you where He wants you to be? Are you willing to make the effort and time to be with the risen Christ long enough to feel the burn?
ホープチャペルは神様の、普通の人も普通でない人も、神の言葉を学び、交わり、パンを裂き、祈りと賛美を通して神様のために働く者となる様に人々を整えるために存在します。 エペソ4:12 ・・・それは聖徒たちを整えて奉仕の働きをさせ、キリストのからだを建て上げるためであり・・・ 使徒の働き2:42、47 ・・・そして、彼らは使徒たちの教えを堅く守り、交わりをし、パンを裂き、祈りをしていた。神を賛美し、すべての民に好意を持たれた。主も毎日救われる人々を仲間に加えてくださった。 第2テモテ3:16、17 聖書はすべて、神の霊感によるもので、教えと戒めと矯正と義の訓練のために有益です。それは、神の人が、すべての良い働きのためにふさわしい十分に整えられた者となるためです。
“And now go quickly and tell His disciples that He has risen from the dead, and He is going ahead of you to Galilee. You will see Him there. Remember what I have told you.” (Matthew 28:7)
This week’s reading: Matthew 28.
Jesus had told His disciples that He would die and would rise again on the third day. It probably didn’t make much sense to them at the time and it sure didn’t in the midst of the Easter weekend. All they knew was that their Lord was now dead and locked in a tomb. They had not seen Him since sundown Friday afternoon. So the guys stayed locked up in an upper room afraid to venture out while the women went out early Sunday morning to try and give Jesus a proper burial. Jesus knew all about this and had other plans for them. His plan was to do exactly as He had said – to rise from the dead so that they would be able to see Him again. It also came with Jesus’ promise to be with them always to the end of the age. Do you see Him in the midst of your day? Take the time to look because He is there and it changes everything. Everyday can be an Easter Sunday morning in Galilee.
“And now go quickly and tell His disciples that He has risen from the dead, and He is going ahead of you to Galilee. You will see Him there. Remember what I have told you.” (Matthew 28:7)
This week’s reading: Matthew 28.
Jesus had told His disciples that He would die and would rise again on the third day. It probably didn’t make much sense to them at the time and it sure didn’t in the midst of the Easter weekend. All they knew was that their Lord was now dead and locked in a tomb. They had not seen Him since sundown Friday afternoon. So the guys stayed locked up in an upper room afraid to venture out while the women went out early Sunday morning to try and give Jesus a proper burial. Jesus knew all about this and had other plans for them. His plan was to do exactly as He had said – to rise from the dead so that they would be able to see Him again. It also came with Jesus’ promise to be with them always to the end of the age. Do you see Him in the midst of your day? Take the time to look because He is there and it changes everything. Everyday can be an Easter Sunday morning in Galilee.
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