

今週の聖書個所;マタイ 25:14-25


“She poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for my burial. Truly I tell you, wherever the Gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.” (Mark 14:8-9)

This week’s reading: Matthew 25:14-25.
The parable of the three servants is a reminder that we have all been given gifts and talents by our Master in Heaven. Have we been earnestly investing time and energy into building and multiplying these gifts for the Kingdom?
When our time, energy and focus are only on “just getting things done,” we can neglect our true calling in life. Making an effort to do and to receive the little things in life can make a significant difference in the life of others and in your own. In the passage above, Jesus was truly touched by this woman and her act of love; that He made sure people everywhere would hear of her actions.
 Allow others to speak into your life today by making time to notice the little things happening around you. Also allow yourself time to do the little things for those around you and begin to see how it shapes your calling in life.



今週の聖書個所:第二コリント 6:3-10 / ルカ 10:38-42.


But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! Yet, there is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.”  (Luke 10:41,42)

This week’s reading: 2 Corinthians 6:3-10 / Luke 10:38-42.

In the life of the apostle Paul and his staff, extremes were more the norm than the exception. There was so much of the unknown that they dealt with daily. Living between the mostly unknown and rarely known aspects of life would be difficult for us in modern times. We have become so accustomed to the quick access to information and the need to know nearly everything before moving on. But for Paul and his companions they lived and grew through the paradoxes in life with the power of the Holy Spirit and a steadfast trust in God. Their lives and ministry were not characterized by extreme swings from one need or event to another. There was a balance and focus to their lives that allowed them to weather through whatever life threw at them without swinging wildly to the left or to the right.
 Do you find yourself running around more concerned about the details in life than concerned with the One who gave you life? To stop the wild swings in life, the stabilizing choice is obvious! Take time this week at allow God to show you the paradoxes pulling at you from both sides. Often times it is not the obvious but more likely between the good (preparing dinner for Jesus) and the better (sitting when sitting is needed). Time to bring balance to your life!

2015年6月13日 メッセージ




今週の聖書個所:ルカ10:38-42 / ルカ 10:25-29.


But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! Yet, there is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:41,42)

This week’s reading: Luke 10:38-42 / Luke 10:25-29.

Martha was a wonderful host with such good intentions. She had invited Jesus and His disciples to stay over at her home for some and R & R. She would have been seen as a model Christian in the church known for her servant’s heart. But all the work to get the house in order and the dinner prepared suddenly became a worry and a distraction. It takes more than good intentions and an open home to grow in your walk with the Lord. It’s about the choice to open up your heart to Him and Him alone, allowing Him center stage in your life because it affects everything else. It is an issue worth settling here and now if you want to see the details of life become less and less of a worry and distraction.   
I would often wonder what they ate that night, if anything at all since Luke never tells us what happened next. But on the other hand, maybe it didn’t matter to Luke as it surely didn’t matter to Jesus. It wasn’t really about sitting or serving but about a choice made within the heart regarding Jesus that would not be taken away from Mary. Choose Jesus and don’t let anyone take it away!


2015年6月6日 メッセージ


2015年5月30日 メッセージ



黙っているのに時があり、話をするのに時がある。(伝道者の書 3:7)


A time to be quiet and a time to speak. (Ecclesiastes 3:7) 

In being able to hear the voice of the Lord, there needs to be times of silence. We live most of our days in the get it done and make it happen mode. This is not always true in approaching our Lord Jesus Christ. It takes effort and will to make time for Him but we need to be careful not to force things to happen” in our times alone with Him! We may be able to come to Him in silence by shutting our mouths but it is an entirely other thing to be able to come to God with a heart and mind that is still enough to hear His soft voice.
Take time to silence the heart and the mind and not just the mouth when coming into His presence. It’s the gift of silence that you were created for. It’s when the bigger picture of God begins to show itself out of the seemingly random events in your life!
The Psalmist says, “Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken. My victory and honor come from God alone. He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me.” (62:5-7)  
That sounds good to me!

2015年5月23日 メッセージ (*申し訳ありません。録音の関係で音が非常に悪く聞き取りずらいです。)
