
そこで、ザカリヤは御使いに言った。「私は何によってそれを知ることができましょ うか。」(ルカ1:18)


ザカリヤが主の御使いに尋ねた質問は、神様が約束してくださった愛、赦し、そして 私たちの人生に備えて下さるありとあらゆることについて耳にした時に私たちがする 質問ととてもよく似ています。「私は何によってそれを知る事ができましょうか。」 この古くからある質問に対する答えはありません。少なくとも、あなたが望んでいる ような形での答えはないのです!  答えや、備えや、霊的な成長や、自分が進む方向への確信は、神様を探し求めること と神様に見つけていただく事を通してでしか得られません。詩篇の著者はこのように 言いました。「私は山に向かって目を上げる。私の助けは、どこから来るのだろう か。私の助けは、天地を造られた主から来る。」(詩編121:1) 
 毎日、真に神様の王国を求めつづけましょう。そうすることで、このよく聞かれる質 問を神様に答えていただくことを始めましょう。

Zechariah asked the angel, “How can I be sure of this?” (Luke 1:18)

This week’s reading: Luke 1:5-80 / Psalm 121.

Zechariah’s question to the angel of the Lord is so often similar to our own when hearing God’s promises of love, forgiveness, and provisions for our own lives. “How can I be sure of this?” The answer to this age-old question is that you can’t - at least not in a way that you would want it to be answered!
Answers, provisions, spiritual growth, and surety of direction only come through seeking Him out and being found by Him. The Psalmist says, “I lift up my eyes to the hills-where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121:1,2)
Let’s begin to allow God to answer this very common question of life by truly seeking out His kingdom throughout the day. 

2016年12月17日 メッセージ


2016年12月10日 メッセージ




今週の聖書個所ではイエス様が行った奇跡を見て畏敬の念に打たれた群衆を後にし、収税所で働くレビをイエス様は目撃しました。イエス様は押し付けることなく、ただ 自分について来なさいとレビに言っただけでしたが、レビは何もかも捨て、イエス様 について行きました。正確にはイエス様の後について自分自身の家に行ったのです。   
私たちはイエス様と共にいて、毎日イエス様と食卓につくように造られました。神様 の王国に今日住むということにしばしば伴うのは、立ち上がり、何もかも捨て、家ま での道を神様の後について行く事を選ぶことです。家に帰りたいですか?あなたは今 日何を捨てなければならないでしょう?

“You will seek me and find me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13)

This week’s reading: Luke 5:27-31.

In this week’s passage, Jesus leaves the crowded house of awe-inspired people after a miraculous healing and sees Levi working at his tax collection booth. Without any pressure, He simply invites Levi to follow Him. Levi gets up and leaves everything behind and follows Jesus home. Levi’s home, to be exact.
 We were created to be with Jesus and to dine with Him everyday. Living in the Kingdom of God today will more often than not involve getting up, leaving everything, and choosing to follow Him home. Feeling homesick? What do you need leave behind today? 




今週の聖書個所で、病気の友達をイエス様の前に連れて来た男たちは失望させられる ことはありませんでした。イエス様は彼らの期待どおり病気を癒してくださったので す。彼らが予想していなかったのはイエス様の足元にまで続く大勢の群衆、そしてイ エス様の前まで友達を運ぶにはいかに並はずれた決意が必要であったかということで した。彼らは何とかやりとげ、イエス様の恵みによって予想していなかった贈り物を 与えられたのです。私たちも彼らのようにイエス様についていくと決意をすることは できますが、私たち自身の力でイエス様に対する期待を上げる事はできません。今あ る期待は、何もしなければ今ある以上にはなりません。しかし、イエス様と共に歩む 経験を通してそれが変化して行くのです!たとえ私たちのイエス様に対する期待が低 いからといって決してそれがイエス様についていくという決意の妨げにならないよう にしましょう。神様の王国にある現実の中を歩むという選択はあなたの人生において 予想を超えた素晴らしさをもたらしてくれるのです。    

When Jesus saw their faith he said, “Friend your sins are forgiven.” (Luke 5:20)

This week’s reading: Luke 5:17-26.

In this week’s passage, the men who brought their paralytic friend to Jesus for help were not disappointed. Jesus healed him as they had expected. What was not expected was the great crowd blocking their way to the feet of Jesus or the extraordinary commitment it would take to get their friend to Him. Somehow they did it and Jesus in His grace provided an unexpected gift. We can make a choice to commit to Jesus but it is not possible to raise our expectations of Him on our own. Our expectations of Him are what they are. Experience with Jesus transforms our expectations of Him! Never let low expectations get in the way of your commitment to Him. Choosing to walk in the reality of the kingdom of God will always produce unexpected goodness in your life.  

2016年11月26日 メッセージ




今週の聖書個所 マタイ6:9-13 / ルカ17:20-21.   

イエス様はとてもシンプルな祈り方を教えてくれました。その祈りの中には神様の王国があります。イエス様は、行かれた場所どこででも神様の王国を宣言していました。今、神様の王国は全ての人に対して開かれているのです。あなたの日々の中で 「御国が来ますように、みこころが天で行われるように地でも行われますように」と繰り返すことには価値があります。これによってあなたの態度、ものの見方、そして人生そのものが変わるでしょう。私の後に続いて繰り返して下さい。

 “Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is I heaven…” (Matthew 6:9,10)

This week’s reading: Matthew 6:9-13 / 17:20-21.

Jesus taught on a simple way to pray. It involved the kingdom of God; which He proclaimed everywhere He went. The kingdom of God is now open for all to enter in. It is worth repeating and repeating throughout your day. “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” It will change your attitude, perspective and life in the moment. So, repeat after me and choose to live the kingdom life!

2016年11月19日 メッセージ




 詩篇の著者は、私たちが主の教えに聞き従うのか、それともその他の教えに従うのか を選択しなさいとはっきりと述べています。その他の教えというのは、神様にその土 台を置いておらずどこででも手に入るようなものです。それは多くの場合、大声で語 られ、説得力があり、あなたの周りの大多数に受け入れられるような考えです。最初 は、あなたはただ彼らの横を歩いているだけですが、そのうちに彼らのとなりに、そ して知らない間に彼らと同じ位置に立つようになり、ついには彼らと共に座るように なってしまうのです!  神様の教えていることはそれらとは真逆に聞こえるでしょう。それはあなたの周りの ほとんどの人たちにはバカバカしいと思えるような考えなのです。「あなたの敵を愛 しなさい」、「先の者が後になり・・」「わたしのためにいのちを失う者は、それを 見いだすのです」のような言葉は生きてゆくための重要なアドバイスのリスト上位に は絶対に入らないからです!あなたは今どこを歩いているのか、どこに立っているの か、そしてどこに座っているのかをじっくり考える時間をとりましょう。そしてキリ ストの土台を欠かさないようにしましょう。それは毎日あなたが選択していくもので あり、その土台だけが永遠にあなたを支えるのです!

“Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly…”
(Psalm 1:1)

Today’s reading: Psalm 1
The Psalmist states clearly that you are to choose between the counsel of the Lord or the counsel of others. The counsel of others will lack a foundation in God and is available everywhere. It is often loud, persuasive, and accepted by the majority of those around you. First you are just walking next to them, then you find yourself standing next to them, and before you know it, you have taken a position and are sitting with them!
 God’s counsel will sound contrarian in nature and sound like foolishness to most around you. “Love your enemies”, “the first will be last” and “in order to live, you must first die to yourself” will never make the top ten list of advice for living! Take time to see where you are walking, standing, and sitting lest you find yourself lacking a foundation in Christ. It’s the only foundation that will hold you up for eternity and a decision that you make every single day!

2016年11月12日 メッセージ



(マタ イ15:8)     


今週、会社、家庭や教会の中でのあなたの話し方を振り返ってみて下さい。あなたの 口から出てきた言葉は、キリストの言葉と霊の両方を備えていましたか?心は全くつ いて行かないのに、舌だけが正しいキリスト教徒的な礼儀に従うということは簡単に 出来てしまいます。イエス様が当時の宗教権威に対して行った警告は現在の私たちに も適用されるのです!今日、キリストの心と言葉の両方が私たちの中で一つになるよ う努力しましょう!

“These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.” (Matthew 15:8)

This week’s reading: Matthew 15:1-20.

This week, take a look at the manner of your speech in the office, in your home, and in your church. Do the words coming out of your mouth reflect the both the Word and Spirit of Christ? It is easy for the tongue to follow correct Christian protocol while the heart lags way behind.
Jesus’ admonishment of the religious establishment back then applies to us today! Let us strive to bring both the heart and Words of Christ into unity within ourselves today!

2016年11月5日 メッセージ



すべて、疲れた人、重荷を負っている人は、わたしのところに来なさい。わたしがあなたがたを休ませてあげます。わたしは心優しく、へりくだっているから、あなたが たもわたしのくびきを負って、わたしから学びなさい。そうすればたましいに安らぎ が来ます。わたしのくびきは負いやすく、わたしの荷は軽いからです。(マタイ1 1:28~30)  


上記の個所にあるイエス様からの招きはあなたの知っている人全員にあてはまるのではないでしょうか。近頃、皆疲れていて重荷を負っているように見えますから。たましいの安らぎが得られるなんていい話ですね! それには何かを学ぶというよりも、何かを捨て去ることを多く伴います。その安らぎはどこで申し込めばもらえるのかって?実際には何かに申し込むというよりも、むしろ何かするのを辞めるということになります。神様が導いて下さったことに対して一 生懸命取り組んだらその結果は神様に任せるのです。何かを起こそうとするのはやめ ましょう。それはあなたの仕事ではありません!最善を尽くしましょう、でもあなた 自身の頑張りを信じてはいけません。つまりイエス様を信じて後は神様にお任せする のです。それでは休んでください!

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, an d you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”   

This week’s reading: Matthew 11:16-30. 

Jesus’ invitation above would probably apply to everyone you know. Nowadays, it seems everyone is weary and burdened. A rest for the soul sounds wonderful!  It involves unlearning more than it does learning something new. Okay, so where do I sign up? The truth is that it involves signing-off more than it does signing-up. Strive to do your best in all that God has led you into but trust t he Lord with the outcome. Stop trying to make it happen; it is not your to make! Do your best but don’t trust your best ? trust Jesus and leave it with Hi m. Now, go get some rest! 

2016年10月29日 メッセージ



この世と調子を合わせてはいけません。むしろ、・・・心の一新によって自分を変え なさい。(ローマ12:2)


主にあって成長する過程には必ず二つの側面が伴います。一つは聖書の言葉を通して 新しい事を学ぶこと、もう一つは今まで信じてきたことを捨て去るということです。 多くの場合、私たちがすでに持っている知識が主との歩みを進める事を妨げているの です。訳のわからない恐れや誤った信念を捨て去り、それらを神様の約束に置き換え なければいけません。立ちあがって寝床をたたみ、イエス様と共に新しい冒険に足を 踏み入れようとするときにあなたを引きとめているものは何ですか?キリストのため にあなたはどんな知識を捨て去るべきですか? 

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Romans 12:2)

This week’s reading: John 5:1-17 / I John 4:18.

Growing up in the Lord is always two-fold. In involves learning new things through Scripture and oftentimes the unlearning of things we thought to be true. Many times it’s the things that we know that stop us from moving forward in the Lord. Irrational fears and misguided beliefs need to be unlearned and replaced with God’s promises.
What is holding you back from standing up, picking up your sleeping mat and walking into a new adventure with Jesus? What do you need to unlearn for Christ?  

2016年10月22日 メッセージ



私たちは神の作品であって、良い行いをするためにキリスト・イエスにあって造られ たのです。神は、私たちが良い行いに歩むように、その良い行いをもあらかじめ備え てくださったのです。(エペソ210) 


安息日である日曜日がブルーな月曜日に変わると、ますますブルーな火曜日がやって くるように、私たちはいとも簡単に神様の約束を忘れてしまうことができます。私た ちは神様ご自身の手による作品であって、神様が備えて下さった人生で素晴らしい働 きをするために造られたのです。その備えはでたらめになされるものではなく、神様 は私たちの行く道に起こりうるすべての状況や問題を考慮して下さっているのです。 小さな問題であろうが大きな問題であろうが、あなたの人生に起こるどんなことも神 様にとっては驚くことではありませんし力が及ばないなどということは絶対にあり ません。

We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God  prepared in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2:10) 

This week’s reading: 2 Kings 6:1-7 / John 2:1-11.   
As Sabbath Sunday turns into blue Monday and then into even bluer Tuesday, it is easy to forget God’s promises. We are God’s workmanship, created by Him t o do great things in a life that He has prepared for us. God’s preparations a re not done haphazardly but takes into account all possible circumstances and challenges that may come our way. Rest assured that absolutely nothing happeni ng in your life both big and small is a surprise to Him or beyond His reach. W hether it’s a sunken, borrowed iron ax-head or the running out of resources ? God has the ability to deliver. 


2016年10月15日 メッセージ







(Psalm 139:5) 
This week’s reading: Psalm 139:1-6 / Genesis 1:2 / Isaiah 55:8.   
Since the beginning of time,God has been ever present, wanting to create un-imaginable
things out of the chaos and the void. He continues to do this in the  lives of those who choose to 
follow Him. And by His amazing grace, even those  of us who at times choose not to follow in 
His ways! I’ve been a recipient o f that amazing grace on many occasions! The thing is… life could
be much more peaceful, empowered, and  meaningful and  less lonely if we took notice of His 
constant presence. King David noticed the Lord’s presence both from behind and in front of him. 
I’m sure this awareness of the powerful presence of the Lord would do wonders for our own lives 
as  well. 
In what part of your day, do you find yourself forgetting He is still t here both in front and behind?  


2016年10月8日 メッセージ



この望みは、私たちのたましいのために、安全で確かな錨の役を果たし、またこの望 みは幕の内側にはいるのです。(ヘブル6:19)  


 ヘブル書の著者はしっかりとして動くことのない私たちの希望、他に二つとない、キ リストにある希望をもう一度私たちに教えてくれています。この希望よりも不安定な 所を選んで錨を下ろしてしまうと、恐れ、怒り、心配、うぬぼれや、けちな心を持っ て生きるという結果になってしまいます。キリストを信じる者として、たとえどんな 混乱のさなかでも、キリストにあって私たちのたましいは守られています。あなたは 今日どこに錨を下ろしましたか?

We have this hope as an anchor of the soul, firm and secure. (Hebrews 6:19)
This week’s reading: Hebrews 6:19 / Ephesians 5:14-16.

The writer of Hebrews reminds us of the hope we have in Christ; it is firm and secure like no other. When we choose to anchor it in anything less stable the end result is a life lived in fear, anger, worry, self-importance and pettiness. As believers in Christ, our soul is secured in Christ regardless of the chaos around. Where have you set anchor today?


2016年10月1日 メッセージ


2016年9月24日 メッセージ





“Finally, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord! It is no trouble for me to write the same things to you again, and it is a safeguard for you.” (Phil. 3:1)

Miah and I spent a night trying to sleep on chairs meant for sitting, in the terminal gate area at Narita airport. After an hour’s delay, our flight, the final one of the evening was cancelled. We found ourselves trying to sleep at 1:00 am, with loud, repeated announcements and of someone yelling in Korean in the background. I felt like telling those guys to swim to Hawaii, if they were in such a hurry!
Remembering to be grateful was a Godsend for Miah and myself and would probably have helped those yelling at the helpless ticket agents late that night!
Twenty-four hours later in Hawaii, jet-lagged and unable to sleep, I read this in the first magazine I picked up. “Gratitude helps us to see what is there instead of what isn’t.” (Sign seen on Madison Avenue Baptist Church)
Gratitude changes everything!




2016年7月9日 メッセージ







“Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits…”
(Psalm 103:2)

This week’s reading: Psalm 103:1-5.

The psalmist begins with a call to praise the Lord from your innermost parts – your soul. It is the call to move below the surface of superficiality and to dig deeper in our praise and thanksgiving of the Holy One. A thanksgiving and praise that emanates from our core and not our lips. I’m sure that you know what it feels like to praise Him from deep down inside!
 He then reminds the soul, “not to forget all God’s benefits,” followed by a powerful listing of God’s great gifts.
 When grumbling and complaining become a regular part of your speech and thought life –it is a sign that the soul has forgotten that ALL good and great benefits come from above. It is no longer living under grace but beginning to believe it has earned or is owed these blessings.
Take time to remind your soul of all God’s great benefits in your life and it will be satisfied and renewed to soar like an eagle!


2016年7月2日 メッセージ









“…for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His purpose. Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you become blameless and pure, children of God…” (Philippians 2:13,14)

This week’s reading: Philippians 2:12-16 / Colossians 3:12-17.

In Scripture, we are called the children of God. And as children of God, we are called to serve Him and do good works in the world around us. In the midst of “doing everything” for Him, is there a noticeable rumbling?
 The type of rumbling that emanates from the habit of complaining? The Bible also translates complaining as grumbling – as to mutter in discontent, to utter low, indistinct sounds; growl, like thunder. It goes much deeper than an empty stomach and affects the soul in a way that a lack of food never could.
Has grumbling become standard procedure in your ministry and service to Him? If we are not careful, grumbling can become an unhealthy way of life for the soul because it deprives the soul of nourishment. It has the direct opposite affect of thanksgiving. There is nothing like a daily offering of thanksgiving to the Lord to cure the rumbling deep down inside!


2016年6月25日 メッセージ


2016年6月18日 メッセージ


2016年6月11日 メッセージ






The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you;
The Lord turn His face/countenance toward you and give you peace.
So they will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them.
                                           (Numbers 6:24-26, 27)
The Lord’s instructions to Aaron and his sons on blessing the nation of Israel still applies today, especially within the home. We so often take for granted those who are closest and dearest to us. Sometimes it is the close and regular proximity to others that allows us to forget to mind our manners and the potential we have to bless those we love everyday.
Can you imagine what your family and home life would be like if you took the time to pray for God’s blessings upon your spouse and kids? Can you imagine what your marriage relationship would be like if you chose to allow the glory of God to shine upon your face instead of something else? And the big one: Can you imagine how much it would bless your wife or husband or child if you took the time in the midst of your busyness to lift up and to turn your face towards the ones you love? The soul is in need of a blessing today!

2016年6月4日 メッセージ








“Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”
The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”
Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.” (Luke 36,37)

This week’s reading: Luke 10:25-37.
In Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan, there are only two reactions observed although there are three different characters involved in the story. Two religious men cross over to the other side of the road in order to avoid helping a man in desperate need. But the Samaritan, a half-blooded Jewish man, despised by the “pure” Jews of the time, chooses to go out if his way to help this victim.
Two of them see the man dying and left for dead then cross over to the other side of the street and pass him by. The Samaritan man sees this same man and has compassion for him and takes action.
Glimpses into the health of your soul can be seen in the way you react to others in need. Dallas Willard states, “There are two great words in the Bible that describe the posture of our souls towards other people. One is to bless. The other is curse.” Tough words without a gray zone to run to! Our souls were created to receive the blessings of God and to share this abundant goodness with others. Keeps the soul healthy!

2016年5月28日 メッセージ




You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.  (Ephesians 4:22-24)

In the passage above, Paul is speaking about the learning of new habits to replace the old. Sinfulness is the habit of sinning. We need to take a look at some of the ungodly habits in our lives that have become second nature to us. These sinful habits have the power to keep us in bondage if we choose to fight them off with sheer willpower alone. The change simply never lasts for very long. We ask God for forgiveness and find ourselves asking again and again and again. Asking for forgiveness is not the same as surrendering.  
Victory over the darkness begins where we usually don’t want to go because it is not in our nature to surrender all to God or anyone else for that matter!  Paul writes, but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life. (Romans 6:13) Great advice if you want to begin to experience freedom! Freedom for the soul begins with the daily offering of oneself to God because you have been brought back from the dead!

2016年5月21日 メッセージ




今週の聖書個所:ルカ 7:36-5


Jesus said, “Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven – for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little.” (Luke 7:47)

This week’s reading: Luke 7:36-50.
I remember a time when I began to notice my love for the Lord fading out slowly but surely. I simply noticed it but did nothing about it. I also remember then coming across this passage in my daily reading and feeling a lot like Simon. Utterly, clueless of the debt-condition of my soul while standing in His presence. Forgetting about God’s grace can do that to you.  
How easily we can begin to feel good about our walk with the Lord and actually be deceived into thinking we have somehow paid off “some” of our own debt by our good works.
Jesus said, “Your faith has saved you; now go in peace.”  
Heavenly Words that when taken to heart allow our love for Jesus to grow and grow without the burden of guilt. Amazing grace how sweet the sound!





Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh? (Galatians 3:13)

This week’s reading: Psalm 23:1-4 / Galatians 3:1-14.

The Psalmist says, “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He refreshes my soul.” So often when the invitation comes to be with God, we want to do something. Green pastures? Plan a picnic or my favorite being to go and cut the grass for God! Still waters? Take a swim or maybe go fishing.
We will do anything with God but find it very difficult to simply lie down in green pastures or be led besides quiet waters. In grace, we come with nothing and do nothing but follow God into places of solitude to bring rest and refreshment for the soul. Surprisingly, these green pastures and still waters can be found everywhere and at all times of the day!

2016年4月16日 メッセージ





The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He refreshes my soul.
(Psalm 23:1-3)

As Sheep in Christ, what does it mean for the Lord to be your shepherd? Are you allowing Him to lead or have you gone astray? Has He been refreshing your soul? If not, where are these green pastures and still waters the Scriptures talk about? Have you been led there lately?
We get so busy doing things that we look less like sheep and more like restless chimpanzees for Christ. Always swinging from one branch to another and never really settled.
The green pastures and still waters in your life will provide you the places of solitude where God can bring rest and refreshment to your soul. Be led there regularly for the grace needed to get through your busy day!

2016年4月9日 メッセージ

「何をするかではない 2」

2016年4月2日 メッセージ


2016年3月26日 メッセージ





Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor but the sick. But go and learn what this means; ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” (Matthew 9:13)

I spent half a day cruising with my wife the other day. All the kids were in school, it was a good day for a long walk and we both happened to be free. Too early to see the cherry blossoms but it was okay. It wasn’t a sacrifice made for Christ on my part but it was definitely good for the soul. Walking with Jesus and Hisako – it doesn’t get better than that! Normally, I’ll take long walks alone with Jesus but the effect is ALMOST the same – the soul finds rest and peace in Jesus. It may not have the visual impact of sitting under a rushing waterfall but it is a spiritual practice that works for me. The soul is always in need of a form of rest that can only be provided by God. A rest that also replenishes the soul with the grace needed to live a life of mercy. When life feels like a series of sacrifices (obligations) for God, it’s time to check and see if mercy is present? It may be time for a walk, a hike, a run, or a stroll in the park with Jesus. What activities refill you with grace and mercy for life? It may not always involve sacrifice or denial under a freezing waterfall!