2015年11月28日 メッセージ






“I tell you the truth, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will suddenly turn to wonderful joy.” (John 16:20)

This week’s reading: John 16:5-22 / Luke 7:36-50.

Jesus said, “When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth.” Sometimes the guidance coming from the Spirit of God will arrive in the form of pain. I’m not talking about the pain associated with guilt (which normally brings about no change) or the pain of consequences for wrong actions. I’m referring to a low, deep, deadened pain deep in the soul. An ache towards goodness because of the way you were originally created to live. A God-given ache that marks the beginning of a change for the better when it is finally heeded and embraced. There will be times in life when you will be needing to “take the pain” - which leads to healing and into a joy that cannot be taken away!

2015年11月21日 メッセージ



愛する者たちよ。あなたがたにお勧めします。旅人であり寄留者であるあなたがたは、たましいに戦いをいどむ肉の欲を遠ざけなさい。(I ペテロ2:11)


Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul.  (I Peter 2:11)

In boxing, body blows to the abdomen, may not seem very dramatic but done repeatedly, it will bring an opponent down. Sin works in a similar fashion. The enemy would love for you to believe that some sinful actions are small, others big, and still others somewhere in-between. When we see ungodly actions only in terms of severity, we are seeing them in a wrong way.
Beyond boxing, Peter described ungodly habits as warfare against the soul. Like a drawn out war, sinful actions both big and small and everything in between damage the soul. It’s much more than wrong choices: it’s a form of spiritual warfare!    







“Other seed fell among thorns that grew up and choked out the tender plants so they produced no grain…Still others, like the seed sown among thorns, hear the Word; but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the Word, making it unfruitful.” (Mark 4:7, 18,19)

This week’s reading: Mark 4:7,18- 19 / Mark 10:17-31.

It doesn’t take much imagination to understand and to visualize Jesus’ point. Worry, the false promises of wealth and the desire for “other things” is an everyday occurrence for most of us. Like an unattended flower garden filled with weeds, it becomes difficult to see the beauty and the intended purpose. A cluttered soul can no longer produce fruit because it choked and distracted by too many “other things.” Are you able to see the Holy Farmer’s Seeds bearing fruit in your life?

2015年11月7日 メッセージ



同じように、岩地に蒔かれるとは、こういう人たちのことです。みことばを聞くと、すぐに喜んで受けるが、根を張らないで、ただしばらく続くだけです。それで、みことばのために困難や迫害が起こると、すぐにつまずいてしまいます。” (マルコの福音書 4:16,17)

マルコの福音書 4:5-6,16-17 / マタイの福音書 7:24-17 / 詩篇 42:1-6.


“Others, like the seed sown on rocky places, hear the Word, and at once receive it with joy. But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the Word they quickly fall away.” (Mark 4:16,17)

This week’s reading: Mark 4:5-6,16-17 / Matthew 7:24-17 / Psalm 42:1-6.

Simply reflect. Would the shallowness of the soil describe the condition of your soul at the moment?

2015年10月31日 メッセージ


2015年10月24日 メッセージ
