10月21日 セルフチェック



Terah took his son Abram, his grandson Lot son of Haran, and his daughter-in-law Sarai, the wife of his son Abram, and together they set out from Ur of the Chaldeans to go to Canaan. But when they came to Haran, they settled there. (Genesis 11:31)

Terah, the father of Abram, chose to settle down in Haran instead of moving on towards the Land of Canaan. Abram, on the other hand, took the calling of God and kept moving.
It can be so easy for us to feel like settling down after the call of God. We choose to settle down upon old habits, comforts, and the safety of familiarity over the promises of God for something new. There is nothing wrong with settling down unless it’s in the wrong place. A place that is not quite of God; a place that leads to many regrets down the road. Risk the promises of God over making a mistake and it will lead to fewer regrets.

10月14日 セルフチェック

そこで、ひとりの、しかも死んだも同様のアブラハムから、天の星のように、また海べの数えきれない砂のように数多い子孫が生まれたのです。 (ヘブル人への手紙11:12)
あなたの人生における神の様々な召しの中、まったく無意味だと感じるような時があるでしょう。 あなたが‘’死んだも同然である‘’と感じる、そのようなときにこそ、アブラハムやサラのように、私たちは信仰によって前進し続けなければなりません。なぜなら、召しを受けたものが最後に信仰の実を結ぶからです。

And so from this one man, and he as good as dead, came descendents as numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the sand on the seashore. (Hebrews 11:12)    

 In the midst of God’s various callings upon your life, there will come times when it will feel like a lost cause. Times when you will personally feel “as good as dead!” It is during these times, like Abraham and Sarah, we keep moving forward by faith because the One who has given the calling will be found faithful to the end!

2017年10月14日 メッセージ


2017年10月7日 セルフチェック


あなたの人生のための神の意志とは、単に神の祝福を受けて、そこから更にもっと多くの祝福を求めるということ以上のものです。 あなたのための神の御心は、あなた自身の世界のみならず、神の世界をも常に包み込んでいます。 自分自身が他の人の祝福となることができるようにしなさい。それが神が豊かにあなたを祝福する方法です!

God tells Abram, “I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I
will bless you, and who ever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” (Gen. 12:2,3)

God’s will for your life is much more than simply receiving His blessings and then later asking for more of it. God’s will for you has always encompassed much more than just your own world but instead includes His. Make yourself available to be a blessing to others – it is the way God blesses His own in abundance!

2017年9月30日 セルフチェック



“I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great.” 
(Genesis 12:2)

Making a choice to follow God’s leading into unknown territory will involve trusting Him with your name. It may not be a small thing but can you think of anyone or anything greater to entrust it with? Maybe not such a tough decision after all!

2017年10月7日 メッセージ


2017年9月23日 セルフチェック


弟子たちはいつも12人でひとつのチームでしたが、今では1人によって数が少なくなってしまいました。 当然ながら、何人かはイエスの復活を疑いました。時に、見るということだけでは信じるのに不十分だからです。(私たちはみな何かについて罪を犯しています!)

 イエスの弟子たちへの召しは、イエスがもはや肉体ではなく霊のみで彼らと一緒にいることを考えれば、さらに大きくなったことでしょう。 2人少なくなったのです。完全なチームとして欠けていて、心に疑いがあるにも関わらず、彼らは良い知らせを世界にもたらしました。 私は彼らが行ってくれて本当にうれしいです。あなたもそうではありませんか?

Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw Him, they worshipped Him; but some doubted. (Matthew 28:16,17)

There had always been twelve of them and now they were short by one. Naturally, some of them doubted because seeing isn’t always enough to believe. (Something that we are all guilty of doing!)
 The calling upon the disciples of Jesus was even greater considering that He was only going to be with them in Spirit and no longer in the flesh. Minus two. But nevertheless, lacking a full team and with doubt in their hearts; they took the Good News to the world. I am so glad they went, aren’t you?
Someday, others will be glad that you heeded the calling of God, despite of your less than perfect conditions.

2017年9月23日 メッセージ
