今週の聖書個所;ルカの福音書 18:18-30 / ヤコブ の手紙1:22-25, 2:14-18
イエスはこれを聞いて、その人に言われた。「あなたには、まだ一つだけ欠けたものがあります。あなたの持ち物を全部売り払い、貧しい人々に分けてやりなさい。そうすれば、あなたは天に宝を積むことになります。そのうえで、わたしについて来なさい。」 すると彼は、これを聞いて、非常に悲しんだ。たいへんな金持ちだったからである。
(ルカ 18:22,23)
This week’s reading: Luke 18:18-30 / James
1:22-25, 2:14-18.
When Jesus heard his answer, He said,
“There is still one thing you haven’t done. Sell all your possessions and give
the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in Heaven. Then come and
follow me.”But when the man heard this he became sad,
for he was very rich. (Luke 18:22,23)
This week’s passage in the Gospel of Luke,
is about a rich religious leader who is obviously talented in many ways. He has
gained a leadership role in the religious establishment, has the skills and
ability to produce much wealth, and was also meticulously detailed in the
following of the Law. In other words, you would call him successful.
But when Jesus challenged him to let go of
all that he possessed to move into a life of significance it proved too big a
shift. His possessions proved to have a possession over him greater than the
desire for eternal life and a life bigger than his own. A life of significance
will involve resisting the pull of the immediate and allow God’s abundance in
your life to overflow into the lives of others – and it’s not just about your
wealth! Your experiences, skills, wisdom, time and listening ear are all
valuable in the service of God!