「君がここにいるということ 命が存在し、生きた証があるということ
力強い演劇は続く、そして、君もその一編に貢献できるということ 君の一遍はどんなものになるのだろう?」ウォルトホィットマン(詩人)
今週の聖書個所:ヨハネ 2:1-17
“You are here. That life exists. An identity. The powerful play goes on and you may
contribute a verse. What will your verse be?” Walt Whitman
This week’s reading: John 2:1-17.
Chapter 1 of John reminds us that we are
all a part of story that began before creation. Jesus was around way before His
birth in Bethlehem and a played a very active part of everything that was
created. We too have been invited to play a part in this great ongoing adventure.
What will your story be?
In chapter 2 of John, we see Jesus, the
wine maker and cowboy. He turns over 600 liters of water into wine for a
wedding already in full swing and fashions a whip out of rope to chase out the
merchants and money-changers trying to make money off worship. His disciples
speak of a passion for God that consumes Him. Do not be mistaken, the passion
and wildness of Jesus’ Spirit still speaks today, do you hear it?