The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you, and
be gracious to you;
The Lord turn His face/countenance toward
you and give you peace.
So they will put my name on the Israelites,
and I will bless them.
(Numbers 6:24-26, 27)
The Lord’s instructions to Aaron and his
sons on blessing the nation of Israel still applies today, especially within
the home. We so often take for granted those who are closest and dearest to us.
Sometimes it is the close and regular proximity to others that allows us to forget
to mind our manners and the potential we have to bless those we love everyday.
Can you imagine what your family and home
life would be like if you took the time to pray for God’s blessings upon your
spouse and kids? Can you imagine what your marriage relationship would be like
if you chose to allow the glory of God to shine upon your face instead of something
else? And the big one: Can you imagine how much it would bless your wife or
husband or child if you took the time in the midst of your busyness to lift up
and to turn your face towards the ones you love? The soul is in need of a
blessing today!