“Finally, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord!
It is no trouble for me to write the same things to you again, and it is a
safeguard for you.” (Phil. 3:1)
Miah and I spent a night trying to sleep on
chairs meant for sitting, in the terminal gate area at Narita airport. After an
hour’s delay, our flight, the final one of the evening was cancelled. We found
ourselves trying to sleep at 1:00 am, with loud, repeated announcements and of
someone yelling in Korean in the background. I felt like telling those guys to
swim to Hawaii, if they were in such a hurry!
Remembering to be grateful was a Godsend
for Miah and myself and would probably have helped those yelling at the
helpless ticket agents late that night!
Twenty-four hours later in Hawaii,
jet-lagged and unable to sleep, I read this in the first magazine I picked up.
“Gratitude helps us to see what is there instead of what isn’t.” (Sign seen on
Madison Avenue Baptist Church)
Gratitude changes everything!