するとイエスは、「やめなさい。それまで」と言われた。そして耳にさわって彼をいやされた。 (ルカの福音書22:51 /ヨハネの福音書18:10)
Jesus answered, “No more of this!” And he touched the man’s (Malchus) ear and
healed him. (Luke 22:51/John 18:10)
In the
midst of Jesus’ violent and very tense arrest in the olive grove, He takes the
time to miraculously heal the ear of Malchus, a servant of the high priest,
sent out to arrest Him. It is always an amazing revelation to take notice of
the small acts of Jesus that He sees as of great importance. It is the way that
He sees you and all the little things that you do for others out of a love for
Him. Let’s pay a little more attention to the small doors that God opens up for
us every day and stop seeing them as insignificant. It is life in the Kingdom
of God and where we find Him.