6月9日 セルフチェック

彼は言った。「私は、預言者イザヤが言ったように『主の道をまっすぐにせよ』と荒野で叫んでいる者の声です。」(ヨハネの福音書 1:23)

今週の聖書箇所: ヨハネの福音書 1:6-9, 15-34





John replied in the words of Isaiah, “I am the voice of one calling in the desert, ‘Make straight the way for the Lord.’ “ (John 1:23)

This week’ reading: John 1:6-9, 15-34.

The one thing that stands out with John the Baptist is his clarity of purpose and identity. He clearly knows who sent him, who he is, and his area of impact. In stark contrast; I remember being naïve, clueless and full of good Godly intentions. Not very sure of who sent me, who I was, and where I was going! Result: very little impact. Hopefully, over the years, it has changed a little!

 We would be wise to take the time to better understand our selves (personality, talents, habits, strengths, and weaknesses) and our surroundings (where God has placed us) if we want to have an impact for Jesus in this world.