今、この時に、神のあなたへの愛と思いやりがどれだけ広がっているか想像してみてください。 このクリスマスにイエスの栄光を讃え、賛美しましょう。
“My soul
glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for He has been
MINDFUL of the humble state of His servant.” (Luke 1:46-48)
Christmas story is filled with many gifts along the way. God is faithful even
when we have trouble believing in His promises to us. Zechariah learned this
with ten months of silence. In this week’s message, Mary begins to learn that
“nothing is impossible with God.” His love and care for her is all
encompassing. When she mentions that God has been mindful of her humble state;
she has no idea how far and wide God’s care extends. God is already managing
her marriage engagement affairs back in Nazareth with struggling Joseph who was
planning to quietly divorce her.
The Lord
is also mindful of you; now try to imagine how far that love and care for you
extends? Glorify Jesus this Christmas.