今週の聖書個所:第二コリント 6:3-10 / ルカ 10:38-42.
But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha,
you are worried and upset over all these details! Yet, there is only one thing
worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken
away from her.” (Luke 10:41,42)
This week’s
reading: 2 Corinthians 6:3-10 / Luke 10:38-42.
In the life of the apostle Paul and his
staff, extremes were more the norm than the exception. There was so much of the
unknown that they dealt with daily. Living between the mostly unknown and
rarely known aspects of life would be difficult for us in modern times. We have
become so accustomed to the quick access to information and the need to know
nearly everything before moving on. But for Paul and his companions they lived and
grew through the paradoxes in life with the power of the Holy Spirit and a
steadfast trust in God. Their lives and ministry were not characterized by
extreme swings from one need or event to another. There was a balance and focus
to their lives that allowed them to weather through whatever life threw at them
without swinging wildly to the left or to the right.
Do you find yourself running around more concerned about the
details in life than concerned with the One who gave you life? To stop the wild
swings in life, the stabilizing choice is obvious! Take time this week at allow
God to show you the paradoxes pulling at you from both sides. Often times it is
not the obvious but more likely between the good (preparing dinner for Jesus)
and the better (sitting when sitting is needed). Time to bring balance to your