1月13日 セルフチェック


今週の聖書箇所:ヨハネの福音書61-9 /ルカの福音書211-4  



“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.” 
(Zechariah 4:10)

This week’ reading: John 6:1-9 / Luke 21:1-4.
A simple but careful examination of the two Bible passages, shows us clearly that Jesus obviously has a very different perspective of what constitutes little or much. To the disciples on the hillside, the bread in the boy’s hands did not seem enough to feed the multitudes. The clinging of two small coins into the Temple’s treasury box did not sound like much to make any difference.
And yet to Jesus, it was great bounty. Never underestimate what God is able to do with what may feel to be meager offerings of gifts and service to Him. Give in faith to a God whom is bountiful in faithfulness to you!