(マルコの福音書16:2-3 )
今週の聖書箇所:ヨハネの福音書20:1-18 /マタイの福音書26:36-42
ハッピーイースターウィーク! 一年のうちでこの季節は、私たちと主イエス・キリストとの関係を振り返る良い機会です。最初のイースターの日曜日に、3人の女性が投げかけた質問は素晴らしいものでした!墓の入口からあの石をころがしてくれる人が、だれかいるでしょうか?
early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way
to the tomb and they asked each other, “Who will roll the stone away from the
entrance of the tomb?” (Mark 16:2,3)
week’s reading: John 20:1-18 / Matthew 26:36-42.
A Happy
Easter Week to all of you! During this time of the year, it is good for us to
reflect upon our relationship with Jesus Christ. The question posed by the
three women on the first Easter Sunday is a great one! Who will roll the stone
away from the tomb? We so often try to play the role of door opener believing
we are saved by grace and also helping God just a bit to roll away the great
stone blocking Jesus’ way back to life. It may feel better but the feeling is
misplaced. Our life, our service, and our faith in God; originates completely
in His grace. You are completely loved, accepted and found worthy through the
work of Jesus Christ’ death and resurrection on the cross. Everything else is
simply miraculous!