空の鳥を見なさい。種蒔きもせず、刈り入れもせず、倉に納めることもしません。けれども、あなたがたの天の父がこれを養っていてくださるのです。あなたがたは、鳥よりも、もっとすぐれたものではありませんか。あなたがたのうちだれが、心配したからといって、自分のいのちを少しでも延ばすことができますか。 (マタイ6:26,27)
at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and
yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
Who of you by worrying (about your problem) can add a single hour to his life?
(Matthew 6:26,27)
once in a while, it is a good idea to take a look at your all-consuming problem
of the week. Is it a problem worthy of a child of God? Or could it actually be
just a small problem that has become blown out of proportion due to external
circumstances? A problem that has taken on Godzilla proportions destroying
everything in and around you?
reminds us that stressing out over some things are simply not worth the
physical, emotional, and spiritual drain. Seeking His Kingdom opens up
opportunities to tackle God-sized problems worthy of His Name!