5月12日 セルフチェック


今週の聖書箇所:使徒の働き 16:9-36


But Paul shouted, “Don’t harm yourself! We are all here!” (Acts 16:28)

This week’s reading: Acts 16:9-36.
In today’s passage, Paul is called in a vision to help a man in need in Macedonia. Soon after entering the city of Philippi he is arrested, beaten, and in chains. By all accounts, it would look like Paul mistook the calling of God.
Suddenly, the door of his prison cell is miraculously opened by God and yet he doesn’t not run away. The calling of God does not change for Paul because of hardships. Paul along with Silas, stay the course and are used powerfully within the prison and then beyond.
Do not avoid hardships when trying to discern God’s will for your life; believing them not to be of God. Sometimes the will of God is harder than you could imagine.