2018年9月22日 メッセージ

メッセージ by Tsutomu

9月15日 セルフチェック

また、その啓示があまりにもすばらしいからです。そのために私は、高ぶることのないようにと、肉体に一つのとげを与えられました。それは私が高ぶることのないように、私を打つための、サタンの使いです。このことについては、これを私から去らせてくださるようにと、三度も主に願いました。しかし、主は、「わたしの恵みは、あなたに十分である。というのは、わたしの力は、弱さのうちに完全に現れるからである。」と言われたのです。ですから、私は、キリストの力が私をおおうために、むしろおおいに喜んで私の弱さを誇りましょう。 (コリント人への手紙 第二 12:7-9)


“To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”  (2 Corinthians 12:7-9)

There are times when Jesus will not remove difficult people from our lives or bring healing to a nagging ailment or simply pull us out a hard situation because He has greater plans than thorn removal. Instead, it may be best time to ask for more grace to grow in order to allow God’s power to be made perfect in your life. When was the last time that you asked for God’s sufficient grace in times of trial?

2018年9月15日 メッセージ


9月8日 メッセージセルフチェック


今週の聖書箇所:マルコの福音書 9:2-10 / マルコの福音書 10:35-40 / ルカの福音書 9:51-56


“What He opens no one can shut, and what He shuts no one can open.” (Revelations 3:7)
This week’s reading: Mark 9:2-10/Mark 10:35-40/ Luke 9:51-56.

In the Bible, we see Jesus’ disciples requesting all sorts of things of and from Him. Just as there are times when Jesus says, “Yes,” there also times when He says, “No.” The frustration felt at the moment can with time, hindsight, and experience become times of thanksgiving. Think of all times we may have put in wrong request and a loving God had the sense to say “No.”   

2018年9月8日 メッセージ


9月1日 メッセージセルフチェック



This week’s reading: Jonah 3,4.
 So he complained to the LORD about it: ”Didn’t I say before I left home that you would do this LORD? That is why I ran away to Tarshish! I knew that you were a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and filled with unfailing love. I’d rather be dead than to live because nothing I predicted is going to happen.” (Jonah 4:2-3)

One glaring problem that shows up in Jonah’s response to God is his lack of love for the Ninevites and his total concern for self and his own reputation. A lack of love for others will hinder us from walking through the doors God opens up for us. Yes, God is able to show compassion, love and forgiveness even to those that we can’t. Let make every effort to not hinder the message of God’s love for others!

2018年9月1日 メッセージ
