From His abundant grace we have all
received one blessing after another. For the Law was given through Moses, but
God’s unfailing Love and faithfulness came through Christ. No one has ever seen
God. But the One and only Son is Himself God and near to the Father’s heart. He
has revealed God to us.
(John 1:16-18)
It is incredibly easy for me to spend an
abundance of time and energy wasted on worrying and complaining about things in
my life. And please don’t get me wrong; life has been wonderful. I may not have
much in material wealth but He has always covered my every need. God has also blessed
me with a great family, great friends, and a great church family. Simply put, I
am wonderfully blessed and could not ask for more! But when I am not careful,
my old self pops up and I easily find myself focusing on the negative.
In the passage above, John states that through
the work of Jesus Christ; His unfailing love and faithfulness has been given to
all. His love and faithfulness for you never fails. Never. God has an abundance
of grace that keeps rolling out one blessing after another.
I believe today is the day to stop worrying
and to begin counting your blessings instead. I’m sure that you will be pleasantly
surprised at how many there are and how it keeps on coming - one after another!
Amazing grace.