この聖書箇所において、イエスは彼に助けを叫び求める十人のハンセン病患者に出くわします。イエスは彼らを癒し、ユダヤ人の慣習に従って何をしなければならないかを伝えました。 そのうちの一人だけが素晴らしい変化に気付き、新しい人生を与えられた喜びに、イエスを褒め称え感謝を表すため、イエスの元に立ち戻ります。
十人のうちたったの一人です。 あまりにもしばしば私たちはただ助けを叫び求めるだけの90%のうちの一人で、イエスが私たちのためにしてくださったすべてのことを感謝し心から褒め称える10%のうちの一人になることはめったにありません。
asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine?” Was no one found
to return and give praise to God except this foreigner? Then He said, “ Rise
and go; your faith has made you well.” (Luke 17:11-19)
week’s reading: Luke 17:11-19.
In today’s
passage, Jesus comes across 10 lepers shouting out to Him for help. He heals
them and tells them what they must do according to Jewish custom. Only one of
them notices the great change and returns to express praise and thanksgiving
for a chance at a new life. Only one out of the ten. Too often we are a part of
the 90% shouting out for help and not often enough a part of the 10% praising
and thanking Jesus for all He has done.
In this
season of thanksgiving, let’s take time to give “thanks” to Him and then
extended it into all seasons!