
あなたがたにも、今は悲しみがあるが、わたしはもう一度あなたがたに会います。そうすれば、あなたがたの心は喜びに満たされます。そして、その喜びをあなたがたから奪い去る者はありません。その日には、あなたがたはもはや、わたしに何も尋ねません。(ヨハネ 16:22,23)

今週の聖書個所:ヨハネ 16:1-33.


So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy. In that day you will no longer ask me anything. (John 16:22,23)

This week’s reading: John 16:1-33.

I was asked in church this week, “Is your series on spiritual disciplines over?” Please make no mistake; this teaching on the caring of your soul is all about spiritual disciplines. The focus is inward but also about how it affects the way we live (see, hear, understand, and react) in the world around us. It involves not weekly but daily reflections of the life within. A re-setting of the soul when daily events move it off center and off promise. It takes spiritual sensitivity and discipline to keep the soul continually at home in Jesus and in His promise of a wonderful future secured. A future filled with rejoicing. A future where the joy of God can never be taken away from you and the questions of “why” cease being asked. A future that begins when we choose to react less and ask more in faith!