今週の聖書個所;創世記 2:8-10 /使徒 2: 42-47.
Jesus said, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me
and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”
(John 15:5)
This week’s Reading: Genesis
2:8-10 / Acts 2: 42-47.
Sometimes the most obvious things in life can go unnoticed for a long
time. This stands true with our life in Christ. Jesus tells us that we are like
the branches connected to the trunk of a great tree. If we choose to remain in
Him, there is much fruit in our lives but should we choose to set ourselves
apart from Him – not much. Tough words of truth from a loving God who enjoys a
good walk together.
The call of Jesus is to simply remain in Him and yet we so often choose
to power through our days for Christ – leaving Him behind in the dust! I wonder
if Jesus would describe our productivity as fruitful?
A long time ago, God called out to Adam and Eve in the cool of the
garden, “Where are you?” while they hid behind some trees. He shouldn’t need to
do this with us anymore. Let’s practice staying in His presence in every moment
of every day and make sure to watch out for falling fruit!